Abortion Assisted suicide Death and dying Europe Europe Euthanasia International International Legislation Legislation

Belgium’s euthanasia law and European pro-life movement

Belgium’s new law is most distressing not only because of the lost lives of the innocent children, but also, as Richard Stith points out, marks a new low in our devaluing the intrinsic life of each individual person.  As Archbishop Leonard, the primate of the Catholic Church in Belgium is quoted as warning in this […]

Death and dying Europe Euthanasia International

Wesley Smith on the expansion of euthanasia in Europe

Here is link to an item in the National Right to Life News by Wesley Smith in which he discusses his article in the May 2013 First Things (“Medicinal Murder”) on the expansion of euthanasia in Europe.  Here’s the conclusion of the National Right to Life post–“The collapse of morality in Belgium, the Netherlands, and […]

Assisted suicide Europe Euthanasia International

dangerous developments with regard to the Swiss law on assisted suicide

Here is a link to a good post by Wesley Smith noting that the Swiss law allowing assisted suicide is being extended to an increasingly larger number of “target groups.” Here’s the opening of the post: “Once a society accepts the fundamental premises of assisted suicide–e.g., radical individualism and killing as an acceptable answer to suffering–there really are […]

Assisted suicide Canada Constitutionality Court Cases Euthanasia International

Canadian decision invalidating a ban on assisted suicide

Here is a story about a decision from the British Columbia Supreme Court holding a ban on assisted suicide unconstitutional. Here’s critical commentary from Wesley Smith. Richard M.

Europe Euthanasia International

Council of Europe adopts Resolution against Euthanasia

Courtesy of, here is an analysis by Gregor Puppinck of the resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Resolution includes this strong statement:“Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be […]

Death and dying Europe Euthanasia International

Wesley Smith post on euthanasia in Belgium

Here is a link to an interesting post by Wesley Smith on the further advance of euthanasia in Belgium. Richard m.

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia International Suicide

Wesley Smith’s commentary on UK assisted suicide report

Here is a link to Wesley Smith’s insighful commentary on the recently issued report in the UK from the Commission on Assisted Dying.  Smith concludes that this report is further evidence that England “is undergoing a tragic slow motion moral collapse.” Richard M.

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia International

Dutch proposal to expand meaning of “unbearable suffering”

Here is a link to a post on Wesley Smith’s blog about  a position paper from the Dutch Physician’s Association seeking to expand the factors to be considered in assessing whether a patient’s suffering is “unbearable,” thus making the patient eligible for assisted suicide.  According to the article to which Smith refers–“Until now, factors such as income […]

Assisted suicide Canada Court Cases Euthanasia International

Assisted Suicide – A New Campaign in Canada

The issue of assisted suicide seemed to have been settled in Canada in 1993 by the Supreme Court decision in the case of Sue Rodriguez. In a five to four decision the Court ruled that the state’s obligation to protect the vulnerable outweighed the rights of individuals to self-determination. Now two new cases, one from British Columbia […]

Assisted suicide Constitutionality Death and dying Europe Euthanasia International

New student law review article on “Death Tourism”

SSRN has a new student article, Exploring the Potential for American Death Tourism. The author discusses the availability of physician assisted suicide in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg, and the possibility that American citizens will travel to these countries to die. He evaluates the enforcement and efficacy of foreign laws prohibiting travel for purposes […]