Life and Learning XIV - 2004 - Table of Contents


Preface ....................................................................................... vii

Acknowledgments ..................................................................... ix


Legal Perspectives

Statutory Responses to "Wrongful Birth" and "Wrongful Life" Actions

William Duncan ................................................................ 3

Reflections on the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Case

Richard S. Myers ............................................................ 27

What Happens to the Victims of Compromise Abortion Laws?

Damian P. Fedoryka ...................................................... 51


Political Perspectives

Abortion, Thinking Americans, and Judicial Politics

Ronald Rychlak .............................................................. 77

Remembering King Baudouin, Witness to Life

John J. Conley, S.J. ...................................................... 113


Literary Perspectives

Stealing Fire from the Sky: Transvaluating Religion in the Service of Abortion

Anne Barbeau Gardiner ............................................... 123

Poetry on the Right-to-Life Issues of Abortion, Infanticide, and Euthanasia: Commentary from Scansion of the Poems

Jeff Koloze ................................................................... 137

Response by Anne Barbeau Gardiner ........................... 165


Philosophical Perspectives

Am I My Brother's Keeper? The Role of Conscience in John Paul II's Moral Philosophy

Laura L. Garcia ............................................................ 171

Does Personhood Begin with Conscious Desires?

Christopher Kaczor ...................................................... 183

Abortion and Parental Obligation

Andrew Peach .............................................................. 193

Response by R. Mary Hayden Lemmons ........................ 219


Medical Perspectives

The Medicalization of Death & Dying

Marcella Colbert, M.D. ................................................ 227

The Morning-After Pill: The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Availability

Hanna Klaus, M.D. ...................................................... 239


Linguistic Perspectives

Logical Fallacies in the Literature on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Jeff Koloze ................................................................... 247

The Use of Force in a Culture of Death

Damian P. Fedoryka .................................................... 275


About Our Contributors .............................................. 289

UFL Boards .................................................................. 295