In 2007, Caitlin E. Borgmann, another former Center for Reproductive Rights lawyer turned law professor, established the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog. The blog contains this description of its purpose and scope:
Welcome to the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog, a member of the Law Professor Blogs network. This blog aims to provide resources, news, and information of particular interest to law school professors who teach and write in the area of reproductive rights. While there are several other blogs that focus on reproductive rights generally, or some specific aspect of this broader topic, this blog is unique in its legal and academic focus. It will feature news that is likely to be of particular interest to academics and litigators. Of course, it will also provide announcements of conferences and abstracts of recent scholarship on reproductive rights topics. The permanent resources are selected with a view to what is likely to be particularly helpful to those researching reproductive rights for scholarly purposes. (Emphasis added.)
The resource list on the left side of the screen is quite extensive and may be of interest in crafting abortion-related courses.