Bioethics University Faculty for Life

Three by Silecchia

UFL member Lucia A. Silecchia has three recent publications:

In “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Reflections on Four Flaws that Tarnish its Promise,” Silecchia  critiques, among other things, the way in which the Convention fails to protect the dignity of all human life. Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2013.

In the first of two articles for a general audience, “Opening Doors to Life,” Silecchia comments on the high rate of abortion for infants with a prenatal diagnosis of a disability. National Review On-Line, Dec. 4, 2013.

In an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal,  “Peter Stuyvesant vs. the Quakers: How a revolt in Dutch New York planted the seeds for the right to religious free expression,” Silecchia comments on religious liberty with the hopes that it highlights parallels to today’s debates on the same issue. The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 10, 2014, A11.


Robert Gotcher is a dogmatic and moral theologian and long-time member of UFL who received his Ph.D. from Marquette University. He and his wife, Kathy, are raising their seven children in Franklin, Wisconsin.