Public Discourse has a great article, Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act Will Harm Women, outlining the evidence that late-term abortions are never medically indicated. Quoting from Congressional testimony and reports of maternal-fetal specialists, the authors make a compelling case that women suffering from serious medical conditions during the last half of pregnancy are better served by induced […]
Author: Teresa Collett
Teresa Stanton Collett is a professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she teaches bioethics, property law, and constitutional law. A nationally prominent speaker and scholar, she is active in attempts to rebuild the Culture of Life and protect the institutions of marriage and family. She often represents groups of state legislators, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Christian Medical and Dental Association in appellate case related to medical-legal matters. She represented the governors of Minnesota and North Dakota before the U.S. Supreme Court as amici curiae regarding the effectiveness of those states’ parental involvement laws. She has served as special attorney general for Oklahoma and Kansas related to legislation designed to protect the well-being of minors and unborn children. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute and has testified before committees of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittees on the Constitution, as well as numerous legislative committees in the states.
On June 20, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether to hear two abortion cases coming out of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma legislature has long been a leader in prolife legislation. The main opponent of abortion regulation and legislation in the state is a Tulsa abortion clinic, Reproductive Service, which is part of the larger abortion company, […]
In his presentation, “The Logic of Roe v. Wade and the Quality of Its Arguments,” Frank Beckwith noted that James Witherspoon’s 1985 article, Reexamining Roe: nineteenth-century abortion statutes and the Fourteenth Amendment, is the best short critique of Justice Blackmun’s distorted history of abortion law in Roe v. Wade. Add to this Joseph Dellapenna’s magisterial work, Dispelling […]
Janet Smith gave a great plenary address at this years UFL Conference on the question of whether it is morally permissible to lie to abortion clinic workers to obtain the truth about their practices. She notes at the outset that both St. Thomas and St. Augustine believed that all lies are immoral, but in some […]
Wesley Smith, a plenary speaker at the 2013 Life and Learning Conference, opened with the question, “Why, when medical science has gone so far to limit and eliminate pain, are we considering ‘the right to die,’ ‘death with dignity,’ and ‘assisted suicide’?” He believes that the answer lies in Yuval Levin’s explanation that “health” has become a […]
If you are in the San Francisco area, please join us at the 2013 UFL “Life and Learning” Conference. Registration is available from 12 to 5 p.m. at the University of San Francisco Fromm Hall in the Commons. Here is the conference schedule: Friday, May 31st, 2013 2:00 – 2:15pm Conference Opening and Welcome – (Fromm Hall, […]
“Back to the Future of Regulating Abortion in the First Term” Journal of Gender, Race and Justice, Vol. 16, 2012 U of Akron Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11-11 TRACY A. THOMAS, University of Akron School of Law Email: [email protected] In 2011, more abortion bills were passed to restrict abortion than ever before. The proliferation […]
Call For Papers and Presenters Honoring Patients’ Treatment Choices at the End of Life: New Tools, New Challenges, New Limits Hamline University School of Law, Saint Paul, MN, November 8-9, 2012 The Health Law Institute at Hamline University and the Hamline Law Review seek proposals for presentations and papers for our all-day fall CLE/CEU Symposium […]
Earlier this year I posted a link to an editorial arguing that fathers should have a right to veto the abortion of their children. I noted that the US Supreme Court struck down a Pennsylvania law that required husbands be notified of a wife’s intent to have an abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, notwithstanding that notification could be avoided by […]
Over at Public Discourse, in his new post, Reflections of a Questioner (, Robert George evaluates the answers of Ron Paul and Mitt Romney to George’s question about what legislation each presidental candidate would propose to overturn Roe v. Wade. Professor George notes that this question raises a fundamental constitutional issue regarding the role of […]