The August 4 issue of New England Journal of Medicine contains an article by Prof. George Annas entitled Assisted Reproduction – Canada’s Supreme Court and the “Global Baby“. He adopts the phrase “global baby” from a Wall Street Journal article found here about the growth of human surrogacy as an international trade. Prof. Annas notes […]
Category: Canada
The new issue of International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Rights contains an article entitled Legal Abortion Worldwide in 2008. The article surveys reports from the 77 nations that permit abortion to perserve a woman’s mental or physical health. The article critiques collection of abortion statistics, noting that most “official” reports are incomplete. The United […]
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young adults and the elderly. According to a short article on international efforts to prevent suicide: “According to World Health Organisation statistics, in the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide and the global suicide rate was 16 per 100,000 in 2009. […]
Marie Smith, wife of Congressman Chris Smith, runs a remarkable organization, the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI). PNCI coordinates efforts among members of democratically-elected legislatures – collectively known as parliamentarians – to advance respect for the inherent value, worth, and inviolable dignity of every human being from fertilization until natural death. The PNCI website […]
In a remarkable case, two Canadian pro-life activists have been convicted of violating an abortion “bubble zone”. What is remarkable is that they were not handing out pro-life literature, but rather copies of British Columbia’s Access to Abortion Services Act – the act under which they were convicted. An account can be found at
Canada’s path to an unlimited legal right to abortion has features which Americans may find of interest. A brief account can be found in The National Post at