Here is a link to an essay by Paul Sullins describing his new study on abortion and mental health. (I mentioned this study in a recent post.) Sullins focuses on the mental health implications of the abortions of wanted pregnancies.
Category: Mental health
Abortion and mental health
Here is a link to an important new study by Dr. Paul Sullins. Here is a bit from Dr. Sullins: “Almost all mainstream Western social science and medical associations assure us that ‘women who terminate an unwanted pregnancy by abortion experience no more mental health problems than women who deliver such a pregnancy’. These statements […]
There were many great break-out session talks at the Life and Learning Conference earlier this month. I was unable to attend them all, but in the next few posts I will give a description of some of them that I did hear. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of UFL, one can hear talks from a […]
The Institute for Marriage and Family Canada has issued a report called “Interconnected How abortion impacts mothers, families and our society,”on neglected research that shows how abortion can negatively affect the lives of those who are involved, according to Among the areas covered are mental health and relationships and sexuality.
The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research has recently released a book called Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women. “Drawing on over 650 published studies from international medical and psychological journals, Complications knocks down the generally accepted idea that abortion is perfectly safe.” More information can be found here.
In What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions, the New York Times writes about a study finding women who are denied abortions have no more emotional and mental health problems after the birth of the child than women who have abortions. The women also regularly bond with their child. The study finds, however, that the women and their […]
abortion and mental health
Here is a link to a recent statement from Dr. Priscilla Coleman on abortion and mental health. The statement addresses recent criticisms of her scholarly work on this topic. Richard m.
The Eighth Circuit has agreed to rehear en banc a challenge to a South Dakota law restricting abortion. The focus of the rehearing relates to a provision of the “law that requires a doctor to tell a woman seeing an abortion that she would face a higher risk of suicide by going through with the […]
abortion and mental health
Courtesy of the National Right to Life News, here is a story discussing a new journal article on the link between abortion and mental health. Richard M.
I have blogged about the increasing legal enforcement of the Free Access to Clinic Entrance Act here. There will be an interesting presentation on the emotion impact of counselors outside abortion clinics on Oct. 23 in Washington DC at the North American Forum for Family Planning (Forum), the combined annual meeting of the Society of […]