Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young adults and the elderly. According to a short article on international efforts to prevent suicide: “According to World Health Organisation statistics, in the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide and the global suicide rate was 16 per 100,000 in 2009. […]
Category: Women’s health
Here is a report on the pending lawsuit challenging the Texas law requiring that women be able to view a sonogram before obtaining an abortion. A ruling is expected by September. Richard M.
Rueters is reporting that the Russian government is considering requiring ads for abortion to contain explicit warnings regarding potential adverse effects on women’s health, including their fertility. The story is here.
Today on Public Discourse, Bill Saunders–Senior Vice President and Senior Council for Americans United for Life–reports on AUL’s in-depth investigation into Planned Parenthood. The report discusses overbilling by Planned Parenthood, failure to abide by state parental involvement laws, involvement in opposing common sense regulation of abortion, and disregard of FDA regulations on the use of […]
The London Times has reported on a large Scottish study finding that induced abortion increases the risk of premature birth in subsequent pregnancies by as much as 34%. The study appears at Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2010, Pages 667-682, and is available through the Science Direct […]
The Public Discourse website has posted additional analysis of the abortion/health care controversy. See this analysis by Helen Alvare and this analysis by the editors of Public Discourse. Richard M.
The Pontifical Academy for Life is preparing a new document on the the impact of abortion on women. There has been greater awareness of this issue in recent years. The Supreme Court addressed this issue in Gonzales v. Carhart, and this caused a huge uproar. (I discussed this briefly in my paper at the 2007 […]
the new abortion providers
The July 18, 2010 New York Times Sunday Magazine has a long article by Emily Bazelon entitled “The New Abortion Providers.” See The article describes the efforts of abortion rights supporters to bring abortion from the fringes of medical practice into the mainstream of medicine. The effort, with generous funding from the Buffett Foundation, seems to be having […]
Here is a link to a statement on the Phoenix abortion case by the Committee on Doctrine of the US Bishops. Richard M.
On the Mirror of Justice blog, see, Michael Perry links to a story about Bishop Olmstead, who informed a Catholic nun that she had incurred the canonical penalty of excommunication for her role in approving an abortion. I don’t intend to enter into the canon law aspects of the case. The underlying moral issue is, […]