Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Informed consent Legislation Planned Parenthood Politics Surgical abortion Ultrasound

Wisconsin Ultrasound Law

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin recently signed into law a bill known as Sonya’s Law (Act 37) that requires an ultrasound before an abortion. The law also requires that the doctor have “admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and others are challenging the law in court. […]

Abortion minors Surgical abortion

Fewer surgical abortions in Michigan this year

According to Right to Life Michigan’s analysis of statistics from the Michigan Department of Community Health, the number of abortions has dropped 53% since 1987. The percentage of teenage abortions has dropped as well. See article.

Abortion Clinic regulation Fetal pain Informed consent Late-term abortion Legislation minors Parental involvement Planned Parenthood Surgical abortion Ultrasound Women's health

Guttmacher Institute Updates Summary of US Abortion Laws

The Guttmacher Institute, a research organization started by Planned Parenthood, has updated its annual survey of abortion laws in the United States.  You can view it here.  I occasionally dispute the characterization of a law, but find it to be a good starting point for research.

Abortion Constitutionality Politics Surgical abortion

Elena Kagan and partial birth abortion

There has been a lot of controversy about Elena Kagan’s testimony in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings as it relates to the issue of partial birth abortion. Americans United for Life has just released a powerful analysis of the whole matter. See Richard M.