Here is a link to a report from ADF International about an important ruling from the European Court of Human Rights. “In a major case on the right to life, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favour of Tom Mortier, son of Godelieva de Troyer, who died by lethal injection in 2012, aged […]
Category: International
Here is a link to a short item in the National Right to Life News mentioning that the Anscombe Bioethics Centre has recently released three papers on euthanasia. The papers are by David Albert Jones, John Keown, and Mark Komrad. All three are of high quality and are strongly recommended. Jones’s paper is entitled “Defining […]
Here is a link to a good article by Michael Cook describing a recently published study demonstrating flaws in the Belgian practice of euthanasia. The study, by Kasper Raus, Bert Vanderhaegen, and Sigrid Sterckx, was recently published in the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. Here are some key findings, as summarized by Cook: “Yet the […]
Here is a link to a good essay by Brian Bird. Bird states: “It seems particularly disturbing to imagine legalizing euthanasia in this moment, let alone expanding access to euthanasia if it is already legal. Even so, this is precisely what is underway in Canada.” Here is his conclusion: “Until recently, almost all of us […]
Here is a link to a good article by Michael Cook on a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany. The decision endorses the legality of assisted suicide. As Cook states, the court “ruled that a law banning suicide with professional assistance was unconstitutional, as it deprived terminally ill patients of ‘the right to […]
Here is a link to a blog post by Alex Schadenberg on the resolution of the prosecution of three doctors who assisted in the death of Tine Nys, whose family claimed she was euthanized in violation of the Belgian law.
Here are a couple of articles on today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada invalidating laws banning physician assisted suicide. The Court overruled its earlier decision in the Rodriguez case, which had rejected a constitutional challenge to such laws. Canada Strikes Down Ban on Assisted Suicide, Says it Violates the Right to Life […]
Here is LifeNews story reporting on Quebec’s recent approval of voluntary euthanasia. Here is a link to commentary by Wesley Smith, . Richard M. reports that euthanasia has increased in Belgium 26.8% in 2013. This is after a 25% increase in 2012. The article also includes statistics about unreported euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. reports, in “American College of Pediatricians Blasts Belgium for Legalizing Child Euthanasia,” on and posts the statement by the ACP critical of Belgium’s new euthanasia law which puts no lower limit on the age of euthanasia. The Netherland’s law allowing infant euthanasia is also considered. Physicians are healers not killers. An individual’s future quality of […]