Here is a link to a good essay by Brian Bird. Bird states: “It seems particularly disturbing to imagine legalizing euthanasia in this moment, let alone expanding access to euthanasia if it is already legal. Even so, this is precisely what is underway in Canada.” Here is his conclusion: “Until recently, almost all of us […]
Category: Canada
Here are a couple of articles on today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada invalidating laws banning physician assisted suicide. The Court overruled its earlier decision in the Rodriguez case, which had rejected a constitutional challenge to such laws. Canada Strikes Down Ban on Assisted Suicide, Says it Violates the Right to Life […]
Here is LifeNews story reporting on Quebec’s recent approval of voluntary euthanasia. Here is a link to commentary by Wesley Smith, . Richard M.
Here is a story about a decision from the British Columbia Supreme Court holding a ban on assisted suicide unconstitutional. Here’s critical commentary from Wesley Smith. Richard M.
The issue of assisted suicide seemed to have been settled in Canada in 1993 by the Supreme Court decision in the case of Sue Rodriguez. In a five to four decision the Court ruled that the state’s obligation to protect the vulnerable outweighed the rights of individuals to self-determination. Now two new cases, one from British Columbia […]
The Farewell Foundation for the Right to Die has filed suit challenging the Registrar of Corporations denial of the organization’s application to incorporate. The Registrar denied the application on the basis that organizing to assist those who seek to commit suicide is not a legally permissible purpose. The petition in the law suit is available […]
Here is report on the recent Rasouli decision from the Ontario Court of Appeals. The court found that doctors didn’t have the right to withdraw medical treatment despite the family’s objection. Here is commentary from the National Right to Life website. Richard M.
Here is a link to the Life News story on the Rasouli case that will be heard by a Canadian court next month. The Rasouli case involves an important issue concerning whether doctors need consent before withdrawing life sustaining medical treatment. Richard M.