The July edition of the ProVita Online Newsletter of UFL is now available! It includes: A recap of the 2013 conference in San Francisco, An essay on the academic discipline of history and pro-life scholarship by Keith Cassidy, Information about the 2014 conference at Fordham in the Bronx, News and and recent scholarship about UFL members, Upcoming […]
Category: Research sites and suggestions
Here on the National Catholic Register web page is an article about Dr. Jérôme Lejeune, “father of modern genetics,” candidate for Catholic sainthood, and former adviser to UFL. The focus of this article is on the U.S. Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, which continues the work he started to help care for people with Down’s Syndrome and to look for […]
A study by Elard Koch, et. al. maternal death rate in Chile over the past few decades shows that the downward trend in maternal mortality rate was not slowed by the prohibition of abortion in 1989, contrary to assertions that maternal mortality rates will increase where abortion is made illegal. The study, called “Women’s Education […]
For updates about the relationship between governmental policy and bioethics (with a Catholic focus), the National Catholic Bioethics Center published the Washington Insider. It is produced quarterly by Richard Doerflinger, Associate Director of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-life Activities, and William Saunders, Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel of Americans United for Life. Much of the […]
One of the ways to get a heads up on upcoming books in the area of Abortion, Euthanasia, and Infanticide is to go to Amazon (or some other book store, I presume) and type in “Abortion” or whatever in the search field. Then sort by publishing date. The first books that show up will be […]
I wanted to call attention to the release of Pro Vita, the online newsletter of University Faculty for Life. The newsletter is edited by Dr. Robert Gotcher. The link is to the inaugural issue of this new resource. For many years, UFL’s newsletter was edited by Father Thomas King, SJ and Frank Zapatka. Dr. Gotcher generously […]
The FDA has issued an a warning to consumers regarding Evital, an unapproved emergancy contraception pill. The warning can be found here. Commentators have noted that Plan B One Step and Next Choice are the only FDA approved emergency contraception drugs. The American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists have a webpage containing information on […]
Many pieces of legislation related to life are attacked as based on “junk science” or politicized science. One response to these attacks has been a Presidental Memorandum by President Obama on scientific integrity. One “proof” often offered in defense of a piece of research is that it has been published in a “peer reviewed journal.” […]
SSRN has posted a new article, Access to Information on Safe Abortion: A Harm Reduction and Human Rights Approach. According to the abstract the article explores claims that the international norms protecting the right of access to information includes the right to give and receive information for self-administration of misoprostol (RU-486). The author, Joanna Erdman, […]
Fine new book by UFL member Chris Kaczor — here is my review of it: The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice. By Christopher Kaczor. New York NY: Routledge, 2011. Pp. 246. $39.95 paper. There can be no philosophically sophisticated discussion of the morality of abortion that fails to […]