Conferences Member scholarship Talks University Faculty for Life

2016 UFL Life and Learning Conference

The University Faculty for Life held its annual Life and Learning Conference at Marquette University in Milwaukee from June 10-11. The focus this year’s conference was on end-of-life issues. The conference featured three plenary sessions, several break-out sessions, and a panel discussion of brain death as a criterion for determining when death occurs. Plenary speakers […]

Bioethics Media treatment Philosophy Talks

Beckwith on 21st century arguments for life

Frank Beckwith was interviewed by Reformed pro-life activist Jonathon Van Maren in “Pro-Life Arguments for the 21st Century: Dr. Francis J. Beckwith & Jonathon Van Maren.” He talks about the popular and academic arguments that are effective in the 21st century.

Bioethics Colleges and Universities Human embryos Law Schools Talks Uncategorized

Harvard Law Students for Life

Students at Harvard University Law School have organized into Law Students for Life. Their first event was a talk by Robert George on the humanity and personhood of the embryo. The discussion was respectful, displaying a diversity of opinions. This, the willingness to engage a difficult and controversial subject or at least to engage an uncomfortable […]

Conferences Talks University Faculty for Life

Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life

This year’s Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, cosponsored by UFL, will be held on Saturday, January 23, the day after the March for Life, at Georgetown University in the District of Columbia. The keynote speaker this year is Reggie Littlejohn, founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. Other speakers and panelists will include: Kathleen […]

Assisted Reproduction Bioethics Human embryos In vitro fertilization Talks University Faculty for Life

Dr. Moschella talks about IVF and Children at MU

On April 29th Marquette Students for Life and Marquette University Faculty for Life sponsored a lunch and evening talk by Melissa Moschella, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Catholic University of America and Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture. She spoke on the detrimental physical, psychological, social, and spiritual effects of IVF on the […]

Bioethics Conferences Talks

Conference: Healing of Human Enhancement?

“The Center for Cultural and Pastoral Research is pleased to announce a symposium on “Healing or Human Enhancement? The Future of Medicine” at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America on April 17-18, 2015…. “This symposium will discuss the profound questions surrounding the new […]

Conferences Population Control Talks University Faculty for Life

Cardinal O’Connor Conference speaker update

Here are some more details about the speakers at the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life this Saturday at Georgetown. Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston Panel: “The End of Intelligent Debate” Mona Charen, syndicated columnist and political analyst Richard M. Doerflinger, Associate Director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities for the United States Conference of […]

Conferences Talks University Faculty for Life

Annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference for Life

The annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference for Life in Washington D.C. will be held on Saturday, January 24, just after the March for Life.   The conference features great speakers and break-out sessions. The Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, President of the USCCB and Archbishop of Louisville. For more information, see the conference […]

Bioethics Conferences Talks University Faculty for Life

Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture on Youtube

The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture has a Youtube page. On it they have videos from many previous conferences and events. featuring topics related to life issues, such as “Justice,” “The Body and Human Identity.” They also have some videos organized by category, such as “Bioethics, Human Dignity, and the Human Person,” and […]

infanticide Talks

Sunday Long Island lecture on Baby Safe Havens

 THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY FOR LIFE LONG ISLAND CHAPTER presents a lecture on Children of Hope Foundation/Baby Safe Haven with Timothy Jaccard at Molloy College (Amphitheatre, Kellenberg Hall) 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002 (For directions check the website – on Sunday, October 5, 2014 2:30 PM Refreshments, 3:00 – 4:30 PM lecture All are welcome […]