Dr. Andrew Trew will conduct a series of five workshops titled “Bioethics in Clinical Care” in the metropolitan Cleveland, Ohio area February 16 and 23 and March 2, 16, and 23. Participants can earn ten CME/CEU credits. Topics include bioethics consultations, treatment decisions, competent and incompetent patients, early life and end of life care, advanced […]
Tag: stem-cell research
Colleagues involved in stem cell research or students writing papers on the topic may find information on the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute website helpful. Donations to The John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute are tax-deductible. Please check the institute’s website for more information: http://jp2sri.org/.
Colleagues interested in stem cell research may find information about “direct conversion” helpful; apparently, this development may make embryonic stem-cell research needless. Further information can be found at http://www.lifenews.com/2010/11/29/bio-3220/.