Life and Learning XV - 2005

Table of Contents

Preface ........................................................................................ ix

International Law

International Law and the Right to Life

Richard G. Wilkins and Jacob Reynolds ............................... 3

Defending the Council of Europe's

Opposition to Euthanasia

John Keown ........................................................................ 61

Reply to John Keown

Stephen J. Safranek ............................................................ 83

Rhetoric and Argument

Left Unsaid: Deconstructing the Rhetoric of Liberal Feminism's Failure to Comment

on the Worth of Women's Lives

Ben Voth ............................................................................. 91

Abortion Is More Than Murder

Richard Stith ..................................................................... 105

Abortion: Why This Issue?

Thomas M. King, S.J. ........................................................ 113

Medical and Nursing Perspectives

Fertility Is Not a Disease

Hannah Klaus, M.D. ......................................................... 123

Attitudes, Intentions, and Ethical Stance of Advanced Practice Nursing Students toward Abortion Provision:
Part One B Quantitative Findings

Richard Fehring ................................................................ 131


End-of-Life Psychospiritual Pain and Suffering Related to Women Who Have Undergone
Induced Abortion(s)

Jean Echlin ...................................................................... 151


Sexuality Education Programs for Parents
Helping Children Develop a Reverence for Life

Mary Lee O'Connell .......................................................... 163

Ecclesial Perspectives

Benedict XVI: Prolegomena to a Magisterium for Life

John Conley, S.J. .............................................................. 181


Catholic Pro-Life Teachings in the New Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Robert L. Fastiggi .............................................................. 189


"One Just Man Found in Gomorrah" :
Father Morrow vs. the Catholic Bishops of Britain in 1993

Anne Barbeau Gardiner .................................................... 199

Clericalization and Impotence of the Pro Life Movement

Damian P. Fedoryka ......................................................... 217

Philosophical and Theological Perspectives

Is It Immoral to be Prudent?

Clark D. Forsythe ............................................................. 253

Reply to Clarke Forsythe

William Mathie .................................................................. 273


Kevin O'Rourke, O.P. on the Morality of Tube Feeding PVS Patients: A Critique

Mark S. Latkovic ............................................................... 279


Ensoulment Problems

Adrian J. Reimers .............................................................. 295


Reply to Adrian Reimers

John Conley, S.J. .............................................................. 317

Contemporary Culture and the Life Issues

"Shut Up!" He Explained: How the Effort to Keep Abortion Off the Political Agenda Has Shaped Canadian Politics

William Mathie .................................................................. 321


Changing the Culture through Politics and the Media: Ellen McCormack's 1976 Presidential Campaign

Jane Gilroy ....................................................................... 349


The Saga of the South Carolina Abortion Clinic Regulation Act

Peter Nyikos ...................................................................... 363


Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Literature and the Right to Life Issues of Abortion, Infanticide, and Euthanasia

Jeff Koloze ........................................................................ 379


Science and the Culture of Death

Edward Krause ................................................................. 403


Are You Pro-life When Life Hurts?

Andrew P. Porter ............................................................... 409


Economic Research into the Abortion Decision: A Literature Review and a New Direction

Andrew Yuengert and Joel Fetzer ...................................... 421

About Our Contributors .............................................................. 439

Acknowledgments ...................................................................... 447

UFL Boards ............................................................................... 449