The American Association of Pro Life OB/GYNs on their Facebook page mentioned a study being conducted by Priscilla K. Coleman, Ph.D. of Bowling Green State University called “Cross-Cultural Retrospective Study of Women’s Decision Making and Mental Health Outcomes when placing a Child for Adoption.”
If you’ve placed a child for adoption in Australia or the US and are interested in sharing our story to help researchers better understand abortion-decision making, the experience, and post-placement psychological adjustment, then please consider participating in a study directed by Priscilla K. Coleman, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University.
This is one of the most comprehensive studies of the psychology of adoption ever conducted. Participation is easy. You’ll find the on line survey located here:
Please keep in mind that the survey is lengthy and will likely take over an hour to complete. If you’re interested, please plan to fill out the survey soon. The information you provide will greatly benefit women n the future. Thank you for helping us!