
March for Life/Cardinal O’Connor Conference

One of the highlights of the January March for Life is the UFL co-sponsored Cardinal O’Connor Conference. This year the student-run conference will be on Monday, January 20.

“The Cardinal O’Connor Conference was founded by Georgetown students in January 2000 and renamed after the death of His Eminence, John Cardinal O’Connor, the late Archbishop of New York and great champion of the sacredness of every human life. The Conference, which remains entirely student run, intends to connect and educate students, clergy, activists, and academia from around the country. It is held each year around the time of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.”

 Among the speakers will UFL members and friends of UFL:


Robert P. George: McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

Panel: “Publicly Pro-Life: Why Abortion Isn’t a Private Issue”

Christopher Tollefsen: Professor of Philosophy, USC

Hadley Arkes: Edward N. Ney Professor of Jurisprudence and American Institutions, Amherst College

Charmaine Yoest: President and CEO, Americans United for Life

Thomas Farr: Director of the Religious Freedom Project

Breakout Sessions

Confirmed speakers:

Georgette Forney: Co-Founder, Silent No More; President, Anglicans United for Life

Rabbi David Novak: Professor of Religion and Philosophy, University of Toronto

Steven Mosher: President, Population Research Institute

Karen Clifton: Executive Director, Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Death Penalty

Stephen Fields, SJ: Professor of Theology, Georgetown University

Hanna Klaus: Director, Natural Family Planning Center

Anne-Elisabeth Giuliani: Chaplain-in-Residence, Georgetown University

Jennifer Lahl: Founder and President, The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

Mass for Life

Principal Celebrant: Most Rev. Michael Barber, SJ, Bishop of Oakland

For details and videos of previous years’ conferences, see the Conference web page.


Robert Gotcher is a dogmatic and moral theologian and long-time member of UFL who received his Ph.D. from Marquette University. He and his wife, Kathy, are raising their seven children in Franklin, Wisconsin.