Abortion Legislation

Lipinski on the “Women’s Health Protection Act”

Here is a link to a good essay in Public Discourse by Daniel Lipinski. He discusses the Women’s Health Protection Act, which was recently passed by the House. Lipinski explains that this radical, pro-abortion bill may come back to haunt the Democratic Party. Here is his concluding paragraph: “As the Democratic Party moves further into […]

Abortion Legislation

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Kentucky AG Can Defend Pro-Life Law

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the Court’s decision to grant review in Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center. This case involves a Kentucky statute banning dismemberment abortions. The State of Kentucky initially defended the constitutionality of the law but abandoned its defense after a federal court of appeals invalidated the law. […]

Abortion Late-term abortion Legislation

Hadley Arkes on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Here is a link to a good column by Hadley Arkes on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

Abortion Legislation

“I want abortion abolished, but direct challenges to Roe hurt our cause”

Here is an interesting op-ed by Teresa Collett (former president of University Faculty for Life). Collett discusses legislative proposals to significantly restrict abortion. She states: “While I share the supporters’ desire to protect all unborn children from abortion, these efforts will prove legally ineffective and politically harmful.”

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Legislation University Faculty for Life

Collett on Texas HB2

Teresa Collett wrote a full explanation of the legal situation in  the Texas case before the Supreme Court, Whole Woman’s Health v. Cole. “Texas Faces Abortion Showdown,” in the National Catholic Register. 

Abortion Court cases Legislation Sex-selection abortion University Faculty for Life

Prolife Center at St. Thomas helps gain court victory in Arizona

Teresa Collett, who is the president of UFL and the Director of the Prolife Center at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, contributed an amicus brief that helped defeat a challenge to an Arizona law that made sex- and race-selective abortions illegal. Here are some details in a article from the University of St. Thomas, which also […]

Abortion Bioethics Constitutionality Court cases Legislation Politics Religious views Sidewalk Counseling

Camosy interview

Artur Rosman of the Patheos blog called “CosmosTheLost” recently interviewed Charles C. Camosy is Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at Fordham University. “The Anti-Abortion Supermajority: Beyond the Abortion Wars.” Camosy is the author of Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015). In the interview Camosy discusses whether […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

State laws restricting abortions

LifeSiteNews has an article, “Progress: States have enacted dozens of pro-life laws so far in 2015,” by Dustin Siggins, discussing the increase in the number of state laws restricting abortion in the past few years.  They compare and contrast the Guttmacher Institute statistics with the Americans United for Life statistics.  Both show a clear increase in […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

National Personhood Alliance and Incrementalism

Recently a debate has sprung up in the pro-life movement about the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable legal incrementalism. The newly-formed National Personhood Alliance is promoting a version of incrementalism that excludes bills which explicitly mention exceptions where abortions would be allowed, such as rape and incest. Their argument is that any bill that explicitly […]

Abortion Fetal pain Legislation

Fetal pain laws and the moral imagination

O. Carter Snead of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture recently gave a talk at the National Right to Life Convention in which he discussed the way fetal pain laws can help citizens develop a moral imagination that sees the unborn as persons.