Here is a link to an excellent essay by Ryan Anderson on the Alabama Supreme Court decision on IVF. The decision strongly affirms the status of the unborn. Here is a bit from the essay– “the Alabama civil (not criminal) case was brought by the parents of IVF children, not opponents of IVF. The clinic keeping […]
Category: In vitro fertilization
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in Great Britain has given approval for the Francis Crick Institute in London to begin altering the DNA in embryos. The embryos will be acquired through in vitro fertilization procedures and are to be killed after 14 days of life. Such callous disregard for human life reveals the inhumanity of in vitro fertilization procedures […]
Here is an article from Crux that discusses the pros and cons of the adoption of IVF embryos. In includes some quotes by UFL member Janet E. Smith. “A Catholic dilemma: Should IVF embryos be adopted?” by Michael O’Loughlin
On April 29th Marquette Students for Life and Marquette University Faculty for Life sponsored a lunch and evening talk by Melissa Moschella, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Catholic University of America and Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture. She spoke on the detrimental physical, psychological, social, and spiritual effects of IVF on the […]
UFL member John M. Grondelski (moral theology) recently interviewed Jennifer Lahl about her three documentaries on artificial reproduction, surrogacy, artificial insemination, and egg donation. “Breeders: A Subclass of Women? — John Grondelski Interviews Jennifer Lahl on Her New Documentary,” in Human Life Review, 40:2 (Spring 2014), 105-12.
Shirley Darby Howell, Professor of Law at Faulkner University’s Thomas Goode Jones School of Law in Montgomery, Alabama, wrote “The Frozen Embryo: Scholarly Theories, Case Law, and Proposed State Regulation” for the Human Life Review (Spring 2013) and DePaul Journal of Health Care Law (Vol. 14.3:407). She looks at possible state laws that would resolve disputes about […]
The New York Times article discussing the growing practice of “twin reduction” abortions continues to generate responses. The practice permits parents expecting two healthy babies to abort one of them, usually for lifestyle reasons. William Saletan, writing at Slate, considers why those who are pro-choice are so disturbed by twin reduction abortions. His answer is […]